by Zaphod Trenchcoat | Jan 18, 2018 | Creativity, Horror, Prosthetics, Zombie |
Prepping for tomorrow evening. Pre colored and flocked silicone A and B that can be mixed in equal amounts and applied straight on skin. Then paint and blend into my models skin tone.
by Zaphod Trenchcoat | Jan 17, 2018 | Creativity, Horror, Prosthetics, Zombie |
The width of the stitches are too long. I do like the line of blood. This was a mixture of Pros-Aide Cream and paint. Slight better discoleration i think.
by Zaphod Trenchcoat | Jan 16, 2018 | Creativity, Horror, Prosthetics, Zombie |
Stuart Bray showed a demo of stitches. Ofcourse his outcome was lifelike. Clean brusing and straight red line.Mine not so and a bit...
by Zaphod Trenchcoat | Jan 16, 2018 | Creativity, Prosthetics, Zombie |
Oh my just trying to look like veins reasonably natural did not work.I do like though after a shower its still there. Close up its rubbish but something to learn from. Did notice that after a few attempts amd wipeing clean with alcohol my skin did get sore. Should...
by Zaphod Trenchcoat | Jan 11, 2018 | Creativity, Prosthetics, Training |
My work from today. I made mistakes galore but i know my confidence has been boosted.