Long Live The New Flesh
- Videodrome

Another zombie for actresses showreels.

This was an experiment with an acetone cap plastic bald cap. The prosthetics were applied to the bald cap and painted pre application. Luckily with my provided costume and the directors lighting and camera work it turned out great in screen.

Background zombie with a generic Latex mask.

I helped out some actresses with their showreel. They needed some zombies.

5 day workshop with Stuart Bray August 2018

I was lucky to arrange a 5 day workshop at Stuart Brays workshop back in August 2018.I made these prosthetics from scratch and applied them on the 5th day. Very happy with this.

Working on my new core mould.

This will be the upper head core mould gor a head sculpt that i have been working on.

Pre production prosthetic for 3WBSBZ